In Germany, dual systems take care of the disposal (yellow garbage can) and reprocessing (recycling) of sales packaging. Every manufacturer and distributor of packaged products is legally obliged to conclude a license agreement with a dual system of their choice. One of these dual systems is REMONDIS' EKO-PUNKT. With its packaging competence center, EKO-PUNKT is committed to strengthening the circular economy in Germany - from packaging licensing to eco-design consulting.
zeron won the pitch and was awarded EKO-PUNKT's PR license in July 2023. Since then, the Düsseldorf based PR agency has been supporting the dual system in corporate PR and corporate communications. This includes press releases, interviews, specialist articles and case studies for the recycling trade press - as well as for industry media from food to beauty. After all, packaging licensing is a topic that virtually all manufacturers have to deal with.
An exciting job that fits perfectly into our customer portfolio 😉. Because we deal with so many packaging companies and brands!