September 2021 / zeron produces digital cases for glass

COVID-related postponements meant that filming the four digital cases commissioned by Aktionsforum Glasverpackung took several months to complete. The common thread is companies that have made a firm choice in favour of glass as a packaging material for various reasons: tradition, conviction, sustainability or marketing.

And the finished results are pretty impressive! All of the films provide exciting insights into the worlds of fritz-kola, Haus Rabenhorst, Kolonne Null and mehrwelt. zeron was in charge of the storyboards, organisation and on-set support, as well as post-production management. We also handled the distribution of the videos via classic PR channels, the website and an additional YouTube promotion. The entire project was a resounding success and the digital cases have already clocked up more than 100,000 views!

To watch the videos click here.