September 2024 / zeron brings top-class key speakers to Trendtag Glas 2024

With 240 participants, it was one of the best-attended issues of Trendtag Glas that zeron was able to design and organise for the 15th time this year. The Trendtag Glas, organised by Aktionsforum Glasverpackung, has been held annually since 2006 - each time in a different city and special location.

On 19th September, Aktionsforum Glasverpackung invited representatives from the food, beverage and glass industries to the feudal Flora in Cologne. A programme with top-class key speakers awaited the audience there. The guests were welcomed by Mona Neubaur, Minister for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, who was unable to attend in person for scheduling reasons. This year's key speaker was Jan Fleischhauer. The journalist, author and columnist known from Spiegel and Focus entertained the guests of Trendtag Glas for 40 exciting minutes with his keynote speech ‘Freedom and its enemies - thoughts on the political situation’. In his usual provocative manner, he got to the heart of the current paradoxes. This year, the companies NABA Feinkost, Krombacher and Kloster Kitchen contributed informative and entertaining cases from the food and beverage industry. And GfK once again provided valuable figures and insights into consumer sentiment in Germany, while Prof. Dr Christian Rieck explained the value of the interplay between competition and cooperation in a highly entertaining way in his presentation ‘Coopetition as a formula for success’.

And zeron? The agency is the scriptwriter, casting manager, director and producer of Trendtag Glas. It's a great pleasure for us every year - and a real highlight.